Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patty's in Dublin

One of the cool things about living in a city whose motto is, "When you're here, you're Irish" is celebrating Saint Patrick's Day in style! (Dublin, Ohio in case you're wondering...)

Everything here is green . Seriously. We have three high schools in the city and each one of their colors is green. Yeah, guess how easy that is to tell them apart on the field. Okay, so they have different coordinating colors, but still...

Here are some of the flag corps with the Dublin Coffman marching band. Don't you love their shamrock flags? (That's Jenna, second flag from the back. Hi, Jenna!!!)

Happy St. Patty's, everyone!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cool Summer Read!


On Wednesday, the temperature hovered around sixty degrees. Birds sang in the bare branches of the trees. No needs for coats, gloves, hats. Ha.

Here's what it looked like outside my office window on Saturday. 16 inches of snow! Where is spring? I'm ready!

Friday, March 07, 2008

LOST again!!!

Hey, I'm blogging over at Teen Fiction Cafe today, rhapsodizing about LOST.  Wasn't the episode with Desmond making Penelope his 'constant' the best one ever!? So in love with that show.

Come on over and join the discussion at TFC!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Happy release day to fellow TFCer, Melissa Walker!!! VIOLET BY DESIGN is the second book in the Violet series, following the fabulous VIOLET ON THE RUNWAY. Congratulations, Melissa!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Just In Case...

... you were wondering what not to study in school.

Complete List of Obsolete Skills

Enjoy your Monday!