First of all, the winner of Tera Lynn Childs' GODDESS BOOTCAMP is
Congatulations! Please shoot me an email at gerb at lindagerber dot com with your mailing instructions and we'll get that out to you.

Secondly, I'm going to take a short hiatus from the blog so I can concentrate on the edits for my next book, TRANCE. I have a tight turnaround and I need to focus. I'll pick back up later in the month, though, so don't stay away. We have freebies scheduled from Marley Gibson, Aprilynne Pike, Wendy Toliver, Stephanie Kuehnert, Sydney Salter and more! I'll send a tweet and an email to my contacts when the blog resumes. If you're not on Twitter, you can send me a note to be added to the mailing list so you don't miss out on any freebies.
Last, for a smile, come on over to Teen Fiction Cafe for a hilarious Buffy/Edward video.

For my Canadian friends, happy belated Canada Day!
Everyone else, happy whatever-you-want-to-celebrate!