Laurie was kind enough to stop by in the midst of launch madness to give us this week's writing tip. But first, a little about her and her newest TOUCH series title:
Laurie is the author of Deadly Little Secret, Deadly Little Lies, Deadly Little Games, Deadly Little Voices, Project 17, and Bleed, as well as the bestselling Blue is for Nightmares series. Born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts, Laurie attended Merrimack College and received an MFA in creative writing from Emerson College in Boston.

Camelia Hammond thought her powers of psychometry gave her only the ability to sense the future through touch. But now she’s started to hear voices. Cruel voices. Berating her, telling her how ugly she is, that she has no talent, and that she'd be better off dead. Camelia is terrified for her mental stability, especially since her deranged aunt with a suicidal history, has just moved into the house. As if all of that weren't torturing enough, Camelia's ex-boyfriend, Ben, for whom she still harbors feelings and who has similar psychometric abilities, has started seeing someone else. Even her closest friends, Kimmie and Wes, are unsure how to handle her erratic behavior.
With the line between reality and dream consistently blurred, Camelia turns to pottery to get a grip on her emotions. She begins sculpting a figure skater, only to receive frightening premonitions that someone's in danger. But who is the intended victim? And how can Camelia help that person when she’s on the brink of losing her own sanity?
Praise for Laurie's DEADLY series:"...lively first-person narrative.... CW-worthy dialogue, quirky secondary characters, romance and suspense: a winning combination" - Kirkus Reviews
"An engaging, eerie tale about the darker side of relationships - when it becomes a matter of life and death to know who your friends are." - KLIATT
“The book was full of shocking surprises and revelations, earning the book five stars. This is a must-read for fans of romance, suspense, and mystery because it won't disappoint.” – Teens Read Too (DLL)
"Laurie Faria Stolarz is a master creator of suspense and romance. Her words cause the heart to pound, the palms to sweat, the spine to shiver, and the stomach to flutter. The trepidation born from the anonymous threats will make the pages fly, and the palpable tension between Camelia and Ben as they attempt to ignore their hearts causes the fire to burn hotter." -
You can Laurie online on her website, on facebook, and by following her on twitter.
Laurie says:
"I like to get away from the computer, grab a notebook and pen, and start taking notes on my book. I’ll jot down what I know about the story, where I want things to go, what my character wants, what my character needs to learn to get what he wants, and what the obstacles are. I also find it really helpful to talk through my block. I’ll grab a friend and tell them about my story and where I’m stuck. I don’t even necessarily need them to say anything, but I find that just talking through the glitch usually helps me figure out what needs to happen."
This week's links:
YA and MG are hot! (LA Times) Yay!
Why Teens Love Reading Fantasy (WOW)
Interview with Agent Ginger Knowlton (Cuppa Jolie) SCBWI Pre-conference bonus
Interview with publisher Nancy Paulson (Lee Wind) SCBWI Pre-conference bonus
Interview with publishing director Jean Feiwel (Cuppa Jolie) SCBWI Pre-conference bonus
Feeding Your Reading Life (The Book Whisperer) Writers read. Feed your reading self.
Stop. Writing. Now. (Beyond the Margins) How to know when.
How do Writers Know When They Are Done? (Time to Write) More on knowing when
World building Checklist (YA Muses) Excellent
On Writing Sequels (The Sharp Angle) Good stuff
Tell Me About It (The Other Side of the Story) When telling is better than showing
Ignoring Everything but the Writing (Magical Words) Wise words.
25 Truths About Rejection (Janet Reid) More wise words.
How to Survive Waiting (Adventures in Agentland) What to do while you wait
Write Tight - 3 Things I wish I knew earlier (Jody Hedlund)
Laying Clues and Adding Twists (Paranormal POV) Sneaky ways to slip them in
How Does a Writer Plot Successfully? (Chatterbox Chitchat) ... by using checklists...
Things I Want Authors to Know (Publisher's Weekly) Perspective from a bookseller
Screenwriting Elements (The Script Lab) Helpful for novelists.
The Creative Process as a Board Game (Writing at High Altitude) LOL
Keeping Despair at Bay (The Other Side of the Story) Keep the dream alive.
12 Most Dangerous Words for Writers (Writer Unboxed) Choose the ones to make you succeed
**POV Cheat Sheet (DIYMFA) Love this. I will use it.
Getting the Characters "In" (YA Highway) How to set characters in your readers' minds
How to Show Feelings (Bloodred Pencil) Worthy repeat
Enthusiasm - bring it! (Julie Musil) 9 tips to keep you writing
On Reading One Another (Beyond the Margins) How to do it right
Best Gifts Ever for Writers (Beyond the Margins) #Gift Ideas
Top Ten Holiday Gifts for Writers (Roots in Myth) #Gift Ideas
Evolution of resolutions by J.A. Konrath(newbie guide to publishing) #NewYearResolutions
12 Must-Read Articles from 2011 (Jane Friedman) #year-end wrapup
My Best Advice from 2011 (Jane Friedman) #year-end wrapup
***BONUS: Be sure to check back tomorrow for a peek at the cover for Melissa Walker's upcoming book, UNBREAK MY HEART.
Now go. Write!