I've been waiting until I "have the time" to jump back into blogging, but I never do, you know? There's always something to be done, especially now. If I keep waiting for the right time, we'll all be waiting forever.
So here's what's up. My family and I are moving back to Japan. These past several months have been a mad dash to pack our stuff, get the house ready to sell, update passports and visas, find an apartment in Tokyo, get the kids registered in the international school, make the rounds to doctors and dentists, plan and execute the farewell tour to say so long to family, an unexpected load of insurance paperwork after being robbed, etc., etc., etc. Finding the time to work on my writing has been hard enough, let alone blog about it.
But. I've discovered while I was away that there are things I'd love to share with you. And I know what's coming, so I'll want to share that, too.
The blog is not going to be perfect. It may not be pretty. But it's back.
How about you? Is there anything you've been waiting for the right time to start, to finish, or to learn? Share!
And stop waiting!