Guess who came to our school the other day? (Okay, so I sort of gave it away with the title, but...) yes! George Herbert Walker Bush and former first lady, Barbara Bush.
Politics aside, it was really cool. Former President Bush walked around the grade school shaking hands with the kids...

"Wow, there are a lot of kids out there. Do you think any of them are Republican?"
...and then spoke at an assembly for the middle school kids. (I suspect that he avoided a High School audience as there may have been too many pointed questions being asked by the older and more cynical crowd. This tactic was further evidenced by Former President Bush's address, which included a multitude of references to his recent work with Former President Bill Clinton - as if to appease the largely liberal audience. The message was nice, though. He reminded the students at ASIJ that they had been blessed with a lot of opportunities, and that with that came responsibility. He stressed a life of service - in or out of the political arena.)

"When I retired, Mrs. Bush gave me a 'honey-do' list about this long! And then I heard the one Bill got from Hillary was about twice as long. So I said to him, I said, 'hey, Bill, I have an idea to get us out of the house...'"

"...and I said to Georgie, 'you did what???'"
And get this - I was able to give a copy of NOW AND ZEN to the former president and Mrs. Bush. :) Let's see if they read it.

"Good-bye! Thanks for the book, dear!"