I'm sitting in the Columbus airport, hoping to get this post up before we board because I didn't get it done last night as I had hoped, and 4:30 came earlier than I wanted this morning.
Today I'm pleased to bring you a GCC interview with Lucienne Diver.
The Author:Lucienne is a writer by night and a literary agent by day. I got to meet her at RWA Nationals and she's as cool in person as she looks online. Lucienne started writing in her teens because talking back to the voices in her head wasn't socially acceptable. She has never stopped.
You can find Lucienne online on
her website, on
her blog, on
facebook, and by following her on
The Book:In Vamped, Gina and her minions defeated a vampire vixen, a psycho-psychic and the vampire council of Mozulla, Ohio. Gina was all ready to expose vampires to the world in all their fanged fabulosity…until the
Feds arrived to sweep everything under the rug and make them an offer they couldn’t refuse. In ReVamped, Gina and her boyfriend Bobby are sent undercover to infiltrate a New York high school
where some seriously weird stuff is going down. Worse than that, Gina’s new super-secret identity is as goth-girl Geneva Belfry. No color palette to speak of. More chains than a bike rack. And don't even get her started on the shoes. At least she won’t be too worried about blood spatter when kicking the butt of her newest nemesis, who’s decided that the high school makes a perfect playground.
Rave Reviews:
“This is a witty vampire romance/adventure with plenty of heart and action. Diver has written a supernatural sequel to Vamped (Flux, 2009/VOYA August 2009) that will attract even reluctant readers. It is filled with wry twists, such as the difficulties of trying to apply mascara when, as vampire, you don’t have any reflection in the mirror, as well as the typical agonies of being young and trying to fit in.” —VOYA
“Gina, the 17-year-old fashionista of the undead, is back and as sassy as ever (Vamped, 2009). Thoroughly
enjoyable, this sequel is a light, fizzy read… listening in on Gina’s thoughts and quick-witted dialogue is what
makes this such a treat.” —Kirkus Reviews
The Interview: What inspired you to write ReVamped? My character, Gina, is very…um…insistent. She wasn’t satisfied with one book, two or even four. In fact, she’s insisted on her own blog: http://ginasgems.livejournal.com. So, ReVamped was her idea. The concept of tormenting her with the undercover assignment of going goth…that was all me.
Have you ever gone goth? I’m a closet goth. Or maybe a perky goth. I hear there’s a comics series called Dork Tower with a character by that designation, which I’ve really got to check out. Anyway, the long and short of it is that I tend to wear my darkness on the inside. Darkness in, light out…sort of the opposite of a black hole.
Have you ever had a premonition? What happened? I knew without a doubt that every night when I stood on the subway platform to get home the first three trains to arrive in the station wouldn’t be for me…and I was right. I think my area of Queens was on the wrong side of the tracks and all the popular politicians lived on the R line. Conspiracy theorist…moi?
If you could hang out with any literary character, who would you choose and why? Sherlock Holmes. He’d find me insufferable and (gasp) female, but still, I could learn so much. Bonus if he actually looked like Robert Downey Jr.
Are you superstitious in any way? I’m not superstitious except that I do kind of believe in karma…that what goes around comes around. In some ways I have to in order to stay sane. Luckily, I’ve seen enough evidence to keep me convinced.
What's one thing most people don't know about you? I have three actual skulls in my office…muskrat, bobcat and raccoon. (Okay, so maybe my goth side is peeking out of that closet just a wee bit.)
What's your favorite quote? From the film Charade, something Audrey Hepburn manages to say to Cary Grant with a straight face: “I’m sorry, I already know an awful lot of people, and until one of them dies, I couldn’t possibly meet anyone else.”
What kind of chocolate best describes you? Hershey bar with almonds…very commercial and kind of nutty.
The Freebie: Up for grabs this week is a signed ARC of TRANCE (one of only three remaining), a signed flat of the book cover, a handful of bookmarks . To be entered to win, tell me about the last close call you had (they just called our flight for boarding, but I'm racing to finish this first. Close call!) All comments qualify you for an entry in the month's countdown prize drawing.
This contest will remain open until Wednesday - or until I get back online again. And now I need to get onboard! Mata ne!