Keri Mikulski writes about female athletes from an insider's perspective. She was a three-sport athlete in high school and two-sport athlete in college. Her experience brings authenticity to her YA novels, including her latest release, HEAD GAMES, a PRETTY TOUGH novel. Besides writing books, Keri teaches middle school, high school, and college level creative writing courses and workshops. She lives at the Jersey Shore with her family.
You can find Keri online at her website, on facebook, or by following her on twitter.

Taylor Thomas is a total all-star on the court. Off-court, not so much. She may be model-tall, gorgeous and quite a catch, but try telling her that. With a showcase game and playoffs fast approaching, Taylor’s basketball career is totally on the line. She doesn’t know which way to turn first when her BFF ropes her into a fashion show and she finds herself torn between Zach, the super-tall, super-off limits basketball star and Matt, the super-sweet guy from her English class. Can Taylor stop her head from spinning long enough to strike a pose, land the boy of her dreams, and win the game?
Check out the book trailer here.
The Interview:
What inspired you to write HEAD GAMES?
About three years ago, a local high school basketball player was tearing up the courts and receiving a ton of praise with regards to both her attitude and athletic ability. She was the inspiration to create the main character, Taylor Thomas.
How is Taylor's character like you? How is she not like you?
I’m definitely somewhat of a people pleaser like Taylor. But, Taylor takes it to the extreme. Also, I played basketball in high school, but Taylor is way better than I ever was.
Have you ever had a premonition? What happened?
Actually, I’ve had a ton of premonitions over the years. One that sticks out in my mind is one that I had when I was pregnant with my daughter. Exactly a week before she was born, I was hit with this overwhelming feeling while scraping my plate after dinner that she would be in my arms in exactly one week. I was right. Weird.
If you could hang out with any literary character, who would you choose and why?
Hmm… Tough question. Probably Jessica Darling from Megan McCafferty’s series. She’s hilarious, fun, and unpredictable. Plus, she lives in New Jersey. I wouldn’t have to travel far.
What's your favorite sport to play? Watch? Read about? Write about?
Favorite Sport to Play – soccer
Favorite Sport to Watch – baseball and softball
Favorite Sport to Read About – wrestling
Favorite Sport to Write About - softball
Are you superstitious in any way?
I’m extremely superstitious. At one point during my athletic career, I used the same softball glove for twelve years because I believed it was lucky.
Do you have any special writing rituals or totems to connect with your muse?
Nope. My brain is always swirling.
What songs would make the playlist for HEAD GAMES?
1. Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me
2. LMAFO’s Shot
3. Katy Perry’s Hot and Cold
4. Taylor Swift’s Fifteen
5. Queen’s We Are the Champions
What's one thing most people don't know about you?
I’ve always been weirdly attracted to wrestlers and MMA fighters. In fact, I’ve only dated wrestlers and I married an ex-wrestler, who is now a wrestling coach.
What's your favorite quote?
Just Do it – Nike
What are you working on now?
I’m reading and researching to prepare for the next book in the series.
What is an interesting writing quirk of yours?
Before I sit down to write, I have to eat a piece of dark chocolate.
If HEAD GAMES were made into a movie, who would you like to see in the role of Taylor? Hannah? How about Zach? Matt?
Taylor – Miranda Cosgrove or Taylor Swift (with brown hair)
Hannah – Aly Michalka
Zach – Chase Crawford
Matt – Taylor Lautner
What kind of chocolate best describes you?
Hmm… I guess a hug.. I like hugs.
The Freebie:
To be entered to win a signed copy of HEAD GAMES, leave a comment telling us about your favorite sport. This drawing will be open until Wednesday, February 2.