You can read more about Eileen, her books, and the things that strike her as funny at www.eileencook.com.
The Official UNRAVELING ISOBEL blurb:

But on her first night in her new home, Isobel starts to fear that it isn't only her live that's unraveling--her sanity might be giving way too. Because either Isobel is losing her mind, just like her artist father did before her, or she's seeing ghosts. Wither way, Isobel's fast on her way to being the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons.
Lisa McMann calls UNRAVELING ISOBEL "Thrilling and creepy, super sexy, and so hilarious." Publisher's Weekly likes its "spine-tingling setting." And Hornbook Magazine calls Isobel a "compelling narrator."
Eileen says:
The very best writing advice I ever received came several years ago before I was published. I was taking a creative writing class and the instructor told me that my writing was good and I should consider starting to send it out for submission. I hemmed and hawed telling her I wasn’t sure if I could. What if it was rejected? She stared me down for a minute and then told me: “Eileen, I hate to tell you this, but you’re already not published. The worst thing that will happen to you is that you still won’t be published.”
That was my light bulb moment. I realized that I might not ever reach my dream of being published, but that if I didn’t at least try I certainly wouldn’t be. Now anytime I catch myself doubting if I can pull off a particular scene or book, I remind myself that I already haven’t done it. The worst that will happen is that it won’t be good, but if I don’t try I’ll never know.This Week's Link Roundup:
If you haven't checked in to join (Writers' Butt) with us yet, it's not too late! You can follow the (#WritersButt hashtag on twitter), like the page on (Facebook), and check out (Ginger's Wednesday posts) for challenges and fitness advice.
**Finding Time (Sunset) Wisdom from Anne Lamott. LOVE her. If you don't have a copy of BIRD BY BIRD in your writer arsenal, you truly should.
12 Baby Steps That Rocked My Writing (Cowbell - You Need More of It) She makes me smile. : )
Dinner with Literary Agents (The Intern) What she learned...
2012 - The Year of Impossible Things (Crowe's Nest) Let this year be your year!
Just Make the Bed (Sarah Ockler) Overcoming the Problem of Writers' Resolutions
The Missing Ingredient in Most Goals (Michael Hyatt) Excellent. Thanks, Jen, for the link.
Already blew your resolutions? Get Back On the Wagon (Krissy Brady) << here's how.
The Drive to Write (Magical Words ) You are a writer.
5 Things Authors will need to Survive in 2012 (Jody Hedlund)
My Writing Process (Beyond the Margins) Title came first, story later.
Done is Better Than Good (Writers in the Storm) The key is to start writing.
The Key to a Quick First Draft: Breakout Premise (Lia Keyes) Most excellent post.
Interview with Editor Cheryl Klein (SCBWI Conference Blog) I love her.
Your Happy is Never Too Loud (Van Meter Library Voice) Lovely.
Film Options, Explained (YA Highway) by Kody Keplinger
Beyond Orcs and Elves (Omnivoracious) Fantasy writing wisdom from Stacy Whitman
Writing as Conversation (Officially Twisted) Great a-ha post.
Mighty Heroes REQUIRE Mighty Villains (Seeking the Write Life) Excellent.
Innovators Dream (The Heart of Innovation) Dreaming and creativity.
Writing Quickly: A Secret Strategy (Writability) I knew there was a secret to it. : )
Incorporating Backstory to Hook the Reader (Livia Blackburne) Brain scientist's take on writing
Hooks, Loglines, and Pitches: What every writer needs to know (Anne R. Allen) Gold.
**Reminder to bookmark The Bookshelf Muse. Excellent writing resources. Platinum.
How to Write Strong, Silent Types (Wordplay)
What's Your Genre-Identity? (Beth Stilborn)
What's Your Writing Space? (Teacher Writer) From Jen McAndrews: Just write.
To Do Well in Life, You Have to Read Well (NPR) Audio interview.
My Secret for Battling Procrastination (Jane Friedman) Old post. Timeless advice.
Now go. Write!