Another great book event last night. I'm giving a recap over at Teen Fiction Cafe if you're interested. Meanwhile, I'm stoked to bring you this week's Freebie Friday guest, YA author and all around goddess, Tera Lynn Childs. Tera Lynn is the author of OH.MY. GODS. and the recently-released sequel, GODDESS BOOT CAMP.

Phoebe recently discovered she’s a descendent of Nike (the goddess, not the shoe), and now she's finding out that supernatural powers come with a crazy learning curve. Her new stepfather, headmaster of the Academy for descendants of Greek gods, has enrolled her in Dynamotheos Development Camp—aka Goddess Boot Camp—with a bunch of ten-year-olds for the summer. Embarrassing as that is, hopefully it’ll help her get control of her powers in time to pass the test of the gods, continue training hard enough to qualify for the Pythian Games (the only sporting event bigger than the Olympics), and enjoy her godly boyfriend, Griffin, all while avoiding getting smoted for accidental misuse of powers!
Booklist calls GODDESS BOOT CAMP "lighthearted, magic-packed fun" and Kirkus Reviews says the "light and clever story line" makes for a great beach read. Perfect for summer, right? Right! You can read an excerpt here.
What excites you?
Learning. I am such an education junkie it's ridiculous. If I'm not watching a specific show on TV (like Psych, Leverage, or Burn Notice) then I'm usually on the Science Channel, the History Channel, or the Discovery Channel. It's an addiction, I'm telling you. I love that moment when you realize you just learned something you never knew you never knew (how very Pocahontas of me, I know). Like how when a liquid is bombarded with sound it creates bubbles that emit light when they burst. (Seriously. It's called sonoluminescence.) That's moment is magic. And it's all research for some unknown future book.
What turns you off?
Have you ever gone away to summer camp? What's your favorite (or worst) camp memory?
Never to a fun summer camp, like the girls in Parent Trap (oh, how I dreamed, though). I went to several summers of basketball camp and pretty much all of it is a worst memory. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but I was exhausting and hard and some of the girls were not very nice.
Who is your favorite Goddess and why?
I'm not allowed to choose, because they take it very personally when you pick favorites (see: Troy, War of). Who knows what kind of trouble those ladies would unleash if I let it slip that I prefer smart and powerful Athena. Ooops! Watch out.
If you found out today that you were a descendant of the Gods, what magical power would you wish to have?
There are twelve primary powers that the gods have passed on to their descendants, and the best by far is autoportation. This is the ability to zap yourself literally anywhere in the world. Of course, if you haven't been to that particular spot before you run the risk of finding yourself in the middle of a mountain or something equally dangerous. Autoport at your own risk.
If you could invite anyone you wanted - living or dead - to hang out with you at a weekend retreat, who would you invite and why?
What's one thing most people don't know about you?
What's your favorite quote?
Milk Chocolate or Dark?
To be entered to win a signed copy of GODDESS BOOT CAMP, leave a reply below answering one (or both!) of these questions:
1. What is your favorite/worst summer camp experience?
2. Who is your favorite Greek goddess and why?
This contest will remain open until Wednesday, July 1 or when I get back home, whichever comes latest!