Today I'm pleased to bring you an interview with the fabulous Lisa McMann, way cool NYT bestselling author of the made-of-awesome YA novels WAKE and FADE. (The third and final book in the series, GONE will be out in February 2010.)
Here's the official blurb so you can see what I mean:
Not all dreams are sweet.
For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people's dreams is getting old. Especially the falling dreams, the naked-but-nobody-notices dreams, and the sex-crazed dreams. Janie's seen enough fantasy booty to last her a lifetime.
She can't tell anybody about what she does -- they'd never believe her, or worse, they'd think she's a freak. So Janie lives on the fringe, cursed with an ability she doesn't want and can't control.
*shivers* right??? I really loved this book, and Lisa's spare, to-the-point writing. (I have not yet read FADE, although it's waiting for me like a carrot on a stick as soon as I get this current project turned in...)
Now for the interview:
What was your inspiration for writing FADE?
When I finished writing WAKE, I couldn't stop writing about Janie and Cabe. So I kept going.
Are any of your characters based on real people that you know?
Nope! They have characteristics of real people, but mostly just small stuff.
What excites you?
Today? It's my new toothbrush. It's the kind with the ridges and when I brush, it feels like a mini massage in my mouth.
What turns you off?
Mean people.
What's the best dream you've ever had?
When I was a kid, I dreamed we had a candy store in our garage. It was so real that I even went out to the garage when I woke up. But no candy. I loved that dream.
What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
The dream that Carrie has in WAKE, about the boy in the river -- that was a recurring nightmare of mine when I was a kid. I would wake up crying. (Note from Linda: Ooh. I hope not for the same reason's Carrie had her dream!)
Have either of those dreams come close to coming true? For the first, sadly no, though I did buy a bunch of candy at K-Mart when it was on a 10 for $1 bluelight special (yeah, I'm old) and I tried to sell it to my brothers. They just stole it instead. For the second, thankfully no. (whew!)
What's your favorite quote?
“Teen books are like adult books, without all the bullshit.”
H. Jack Martin, assistant coordinator of young adult services at New York Public Library
What's your next project?
I'm in the editing stages with GONE, the third book in the WAKE trilogy (due out Feb 2010). After that, well, I've got a few ideas, but nothing I can announce yet.
Milk Chocolate or Dark?
You can read more about the series here, check out the cool trailer here, read Lisa's blog here, and follow her on twitter here!
Lisa has generously offered a signed copy of FADE for this week's freebie. (Or WAKE, if the winner hasn't read it yet.) And this is where the *special edition comes in.
Friday, February 27 just happens to be Lisa McMann's birthday!
To be entered to win your very own signed copy of FADE or WAKE, leave a message below with your Ode to Lisa, wishing her a happy birthday. This week, the winner will be selected by a mini-panel of judges, based on originality and creativity, so be sure to leave a truly fabulous birthday wish!
Let the ode-writing begin!!!
*P.S. I'll be out of town on a school visit trip tomorrow (which is why I'm posting early), so I won't be able to peek in, but I'm going to trust you to party nice and keep it PG. Thanks!