Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Winner and What's Up
Please send your mailing instructions to gerb (@) lindagerber (.) com.
This post is, unfortunately, cut short by a quick (non-life-threatening) emergency... but before I run...
Nanowrimo starts on Monday. Anyone here participating?
And for Halloween - this week's Video link: ( Go, Arty!)
Friday, October 22, 2010
FF - LOSING FAITH by Denise Jaden

The author:
Denise lives just outside Vancouver, Canada. When she’ s not writing, she can often be found homeschooling her son or dancing with her Polynesian dance troupe. LOSING FAITH is her first novel.

When Brie's sister, Faith, dies suddenly, Brie's world falls apart. As she goes through the bizarre and devastating process of mourning the sister she never understood and barely even liked, everything in her life seems to spiral farther and farther off course. Her parents are a mess, her friends don't know how to treat her, and her perfect boyfriend suddenly seems anything but.
As Brie settles into her new normal, she encounters more questions than closure: Certain facts about the way Faith died just don't line up. Brie soon uncovers a dark and twisted secret about Faith's final night...a secret that puts her own life in danger.
VOYA calls LOSING FAITH "Strong in its characterization…satisfying…a thoughtful read.”
Check out her book trailer:
The interview:
What inspired you to write Losing Faith?
At first, I just knew I wanted to write a sister story. From there, I figured out that one of the sisters had a secret, and the secret would only be discovered after she died. I lost a close friend of mine when I was sixteen, and I've always felt there was a lot to explore with a teen experiencing such a big and devastating event
Are you afraid of heights like your main character, Brie?
Yes! Though not to the degree she is. At one point I had trained myself to almost get past that fear, but I'm afraid I haven't forced myself past my fear in a long time now, so it's back in full force!
Have you ever had a premonition? What happened?
Actually, just before I lost my friend when I was sixteen (who inspired Losing Faith), I had a strong feeling that something was wrong. Nothing happened as a result of the premonition, except perhaps I had emotionally prepared myself a little.
If you could hang out with any literary character, who would you choose and why?
I'd hang out with Wes from Sarah Dessen's THE TRUTH ABOUT FOREVER. Why? Um, because he's hot. And sweet. And introspective. I like those things in a guy!
Do you have any special writing rituals or totems to connect with your muse?
I don't know if this connects me with my muse, but I generally drink green tea and eat sugar snap peas when I write. I love to have something crunchy around when I'm in deep thought.
What's your favorite quote?
Fear ends where faith begins.
What are you working on now?
I'm working on another YA novel called Appetite For Beauty. It's about a cheeky and forthright girl who discovers a dangerous, self-destructive side in her sister, and has to decide between helping her sister and a powerful and unfamiliar desire to become appealing to a mysterious boy.
What kind of chocolate best describes you?
I think one of those layered bars would describe me. White, milk, dark - layers of all mixed together.
The Freebie:
For your chance to win a copy of LOSING FAITH, leave a comment below, telling us anything that includes the word FAITH in it (PG-13, please.) Because this book will be coming from the publisher, we must limit this drawing to US residents only. Winner will be drawn Wednesday, October 27.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The winners of the signed TRANCE and name numbers reading are:
Please send your mailing instructions to gerb (@) lindagerber (.) com
What else is up this week?

Aaand... I'd list more, but I need to take off, so I'll just leave you with this week's video link, which isn't exactly new, but I can't get it out of my head!
Friday, October 15, 2010

Lots of celebrating still happening on this end.
Here's what's going on:

* Yay! DEATH BY BIKINI and DEATH BY LATTE have just been nominated for the 2011 ALA Popular Paperback list.

* Yay! My niece Katie is getting married tomorrow. I'm in Arizona with family, getting ready for her reception noir.
* Yay! I'll be signing TRANCE at a book event in Tempe on Monday with Lisa McMann and Aprilynne Pike! (If you're in the area, please come! I'd love to meet you. It will be at Changing Hands Bookstore, 6428 S McClintock Drive, Tempe from 7-9 p.m.)
I'm so psyched, I feel like giving stuff away. Up for grabs this week are three signed copies of TRANCE, and your own, personal name numbers reading.
To enter:
* Leave a message below, telling me something you can celebrate this weekend.
* Check out your local bookstore and take a picture of TRANCE on the shelves. Send it to me.
* Invite your friends to participate in this drawing (make sure they tell me who sent them.)
You may earn one entry for each of the above. This drawing will remain open until Wednesday, October 20.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
TRANCE is here! Winners!!!

Thanks, everyone, for helping me count down. Now let's celebrate by announcing the winners of the countdown contest:

The winner of the Japanese yukata is:
The winner of the supernatural book basket is:
Brenda Jean

The winner of the coveted Penguin Five collector box is:
The winner of the Check it out - Vivavox USA Fun with Photos kit is :
Karen S Scott

And the winner of the Sony Cybershot Camera is:
Congratulations to the winners! Please send your mailing instructions to gerb (@) lindagerber (.) com and we'll get those sent out to you.
Everyone else, check back tomorrow... Three readers will win a signed copy of TRANCE and their own name numbers reading.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Party with Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Jennifer Lynn Barnes (who mostly goes by Jen) has been, in turn, a competitive cheerleader, a volleyball player, a dancer, a debutante, a primate cognition researcher, a teen model, a comic book geek, and a lemur aficionado. She's been writing for as long as she can remember, finished her first full book (which she now refers to as a "practice book" and which none of you will ever see) when she was still in high school, and then wrote Golden the summer after her freshman year in college, when she was nineteen.
Jen graduated high school in 2002, and from Yale University with a degree in cognitive science (the study of the brain and thought) in May of 2006. She'll be spending the 2006-2007 school year abroad, doing autism research at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
The low down on her latest book, RAISED BY WOLVES:
Adopted by the Alpha of a werewolf pack after a rogue wolf brutally killed her parents right before her eyes, fifteen-year-old Bryn knows only pack life, and the rigid social hierarchy that controls it. That doesn't mean that she's averse to breaking a rule or two.
But when her curiosity gets the better of her and she discovers Chase, a new teen locked in a cage in her guardian's basement, and witnesses him turn into a wolf before her eyes, the horrific memories of her parents' murders return. Bryn becomes obsessed with getting her questions answered, and Chase is the only one who can provide the information she needs.
But in her drive to find the truth, will Bryn push too far beyond the constraints of the pack, forcing her to leave behind her friends, her family, and the identity that she's shaped?
Your compound value numbers are 11, 14, 18 and 16.
Eleven, is a master number. It is associated with wisdom, and exists on the highest plane of intellect and spirituality. Elevens are altruistic, sensitive, artistic, visionary, idealistic, have a sense of community. Eleven can also be a warning of hidden dangers, treachery from others, or a person who has a great deal to contend with.
Fourteen holds a strong element of risk attached to it, usually caused by the actions and foolhardiness of others.
Sixteen gives warning of danger of accidents and defeat of one's plans. It should be carefully noted and plans made in advance to avert its fatalistic tendency. Sixteens should trust their intuition to avoid hardship.
Eighteen is an ambiguous number. It can be a warning of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of nature, but it can also indicate counsel and the promise of being led in the right direction if one listens to the guidance they are given.
The number seven indicates someone who is intuitive and introspective, philosophical and spiritual. They will seek answers about their existence and things unseen. Sevens are happiest near water. They can be witty and composed in front of large groups. They often have terrific imaginations and make good entertainers, actors and writers
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of NEED. Reminder - comment on any of the party posts to earn an entry toward the grand prizes to be announced TOMORROW. RELEASE DAY!!! Yay!
Party with Marsha Skrypuch

Marsha has been a friend and mentor for over a decade. She's actually the one who gave me the lead that led to my first book. Marsha is the award-winning author of a dozen books for children and young adults. She has a passion for writing about the bits of history that have been shoved under the carpet. As of 2009, she has written five novels set during the Armenian genocide -- more than any other author in the English speaking world. She also wrote Enough, the first commercially published children's book set during the Holodomor (Stalin-induced famine in Ukraine). Enough had been turned down by many publishers who considered the topic too "controversial" for children, but it was published in 2000 by Fitzhenry & Whiteside and is still popular nine years later. When it came out, Marsha received hate mail and death threats. In May 2008, President Victor Yuschchenko of Ukraine bestowed upon Marsha the Order of Princess Olha for her championing of the Holodomor. Her latest book, STOLEN CHILD, looks at the Nazi era and World War II.

They call her the “Hitler Girl” . . .
Stolen from her family by the Nazis, Nadia is a young girl who tries to make sense of her confusing memories and haunting dreams. Bit by bit she starts to uncover the truth — that the German family she grew up with, the woman who calls herself Nadia’s mother, are not who they say they are. Beyond her privileged German childhood, Nadia unearths memories of a woman singing her a lullaby, while the taste of gingersnap cookies brings her back to a strangely familiar, yet unknown, past. Piece by piece, Nadia comes to realize who her real family was. But where are they now? What became of them? And what is her real name? This story of a Lebensborn girl — a child kidnapped for her “Aryan looks” by the Nazis in their frenzy to build a master race — reveals one child’s fierce determination
to uncover her past against incredible odds.
Marsha's Numbers and her Response:
Your compound number values are sixteen, thirty, and ten.
Honor, faith? Sure. Self-confidence? Not so much. And that wheel of fortune I sure do agree with. The ups and downs of being an author are completely unpredictable.Ten is a number of honor, of faith and of self-confidence. Ten is a fortunate number that indicates that one’s plans are likely to be carried out – however, it is symbolized by the wheel of fortune, whi
ch can signal a rise and fall in success.
This fits well. I write about those bits of history that many would rather stay shoved under the carpet. Being the genocide queen of YA lit means getting my share of hate mail and death threats.
Sixteen is a warning to guard against the defeat of one's plans. It should be carefully noted and plans made in advance to avert its fatalistic tendency. Sixteens should trust their intuition to avoid hardship.
Thirty is a number of thoughtful deduction, incisive thinking, retrospection, and mental superiority. A person with this vibration often chooses to put all material things to the side. It can be a powerful or indifferent vibration, depending on the mental outlook of the person it represents.
If this means that I am entirely oblivious to the material world when I'm plunged in the midst of writing, it fits.
Your name number vibration is one
The number one indicates someone who is creative, independent, original, individual. Ones are good self-starters and natural leaders. Ones show interest in the arts, such as singing, acting, writing, painting, and love to curl up with a good book.
That sounds great! (except for the singing)
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of NEED by Carrie Jones.
Winner and Party with Carrie Jones!
Mrs. DeRaps
Please send your mailing instructions to gerb (a) lindagerber (.) com and we'll get that sent out to you.

Carrie is the award-winning author of fabulous YA books. She loves skinny cow fudgsicles, although she can't spell fudgsicle, and cowboy hats, although she doesn't own one. She graduated from Vermont College’s MFA program for writing. She has edited newspapers and poetry journals and has recently won awards from the Maine Press Association and also been awarded the Martin Dibner Fellowship as well as a Maine Literary Award. These are only a few of the reasons why Carrie is made of awesome. Her best-known work so far is the NEED series, which so far includes NEED, CAPTIVATE, and ENTICE in December.

Zara collects phobias the way other high school girls collect lipsticks. Little wonder, since life’s been pretty rough so far. Her father left, her stepfather just died, and her mother’s pretty much checked out. Now Zara’s living with her grandmother in sleepy, cold Maine so that she stays “safe.” Zara doesn’t think she’s in danger; she thinks her mother can’t deal.
Wrong. Turns out that guy she sees everywhere, the one leaving trails of gold glitter, isn’t a figment of her imagination. He’s a pixie—and not the cute, lovable kind with wings. He’s the kind who has dreadful, uncontrollable needs. And he’s trailing Zara.
Carrie's Numbers:
Your compound vibration numbers are fourteen and twenty-one.
Fourteen is associated with movement, creativity, and changes. It holds a strong element of risk attached to it, usually caused by the actions and foolhardiness of others.
Twenty-one is a number of advancement, honors, and general success, but victory generally comes after long initiation and tests of determination.
And her response:
It's actually kind of weird, Linda, because I always get 22. Hm..... Cool.
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of NEED!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Party with Jeri Smith-Ready

I first met Jeri at the Teen Author Carnival in May, where we sat on a panel together. She's as beautiful in person as she looks online. She an award-winning author, and lives in Maryland with her husband, two cats, and the world’s goofiest greyhound. Jeri's plans to save the earth were ruined when she realized she was more of a “problem maker” than a problem solver. To stay out of trouble, she keeps her Drama Drive strictly fictional. Her friends and family appreciate that. When not writing, Jeri she can usually be found—well, thinking about writing, or on Twitter. Like her characters, she loves music, movies, and staying up very, very late.

Here's the lowdown on SHADE:
Love ties them together.
Death can't tear them apart.
Best. Birthday. Ever. At least, it was supposed to be. With Logan's band playing a critical gig and Aura's plans for an intimate after-party, Aura knows it will be the most memorable night of her boyfriend's life. She never thought it would be his last.
Logan's sudden death leaves Aura devastated. He's gone.
Well, sort of.
It doesn't help that Aura’s new friend Zachary is so understanding—and so very alive. His support means more to Aura than she cares to admit.
As Aura's relationships with the dead and the living grow ever complicated, so do her feelings for Logan and Zachary. Each holds a piece of Aura's heart…and clues to the secret of the Shift.
Your compound vibration numbers are 17, 13 and 21.
*Thirteen* is a number indicating change of plans, direction or place.
It is a warning of the unexpected or the unknown, although the changes
can very well be positive. Some ancient writings claim, "He who
understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion".
Individuals with this vibration should take care, however – wrongly
used, the power can cause destruction to oneself.
Thirteen! I love that number, because I'm anti-superstitious (I also love black cats). When I hear "unexpected change and unknown," I get very excited. Fingers crossed it means a trip to Europe. ;-)
*Seventeen* is known as the Star of the Magi. It is a highly spiritual
number and indicates that the person it represents will rise with
superior spirit to the challenge of trials and difficulties early in
life. Seventeen is also considered the number of immortality and
indicates that the persons name will live after her.
Hmm, I don't remember huge trials and difficulties early on (I had a very happy childhood, although I did have a serious illness when I was 3). As for immortality, I would love it if people were still reading my books long after I've left this world. Or, you know, next year.
*Twenty-one* can be a number of advancement, honors, and general
success, but victory generally comes after long initiation and tests
of determination.
Haha! Well, I've had eight books published over the course of ten years, and had many rejections along the way, so I think that counts as a long initiation. What do I win?
The number *three* indicates someone who is artistic, social,
friendly, and in some cases, wasteful. Threes tend to be creative,
sensitive, ambitious and intuitive.
Wasteful? Umm, okay, who's been looking in the vegetable drawer of my fridge?
You can read more about Jeri at
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of NEED by Carrie Jones.

Dinggggg Donggggg. Pizza delivery. Iíve got two extra cheese, mushroom and Italian sausage for the the awesome Linda Gerber...
You all looked kinda hungry from all the counting down to Linda's book, TRANCE, due out in ONLY TWO DAYS! So, I figured I'd drop in and hook you up with some delicious pizza.

Really, Linda was kind enough to have me around as part of my own blog tour. (Official Rules here, if youíre the curious type.) Today my book Please Ignore Vera Dietz comes out. Itís a pretty exciting time, but it's even more exciting when you can skip around to your friends' blogs and deliver some [imaginary] pizza and hang out. Also, I admit to being super interested in numerology, which is a subject covered in TRANCE, and Linda said she just might do my numbers if I dropped by! So, thank you Linda for having me and now on with those questions...
LG: In Please Ignore Vera Dietz, Vera has to deal with some heavy issues and decisions. When writing this book, how did you prepare yourself to step into Vera's skin and go to those dark places?
ASK: Vera and I have some stuff in common. Not a lot, but some things. One of those things is the ability to look at tough stuff right in the face and try to make sense of it or deal with it and confront it rather than stick our heads in the sand. So going to dark places is okay for me. I have had friends die and have spent a lifetime of grappling (like most of us) with what happens after we die. In Vera's case, this is the first time she's approached it--and it's really heavy, because it's her best friend EVER IN THE WHOLE WORLD who has died...and he screwed her over four months before he died. Which leaves her in a strange and horrible emotional space.
I have experienced funerals (or missed funerals due to being too far from them) with conflicted feelings. So, I guess you can say I get into that dark space by having experienced something similar.
LG: What was your favorite food while you were in Ireland? Have your tastes changed since you moved back to the States?
My favorite food is fresh corn on the cob. No matter where I live. In Ireland, you can't grow sweetcorn the way we do here in Pennsylvania, so after the first year when I tried and failed, I bought and erected a 25 foot long greenhouse where I grew over 200 sweetcorn plants every year. Because Amy cannot live without her corn.
But there are more answers than that. I really really really miss my free range eggs. There is nothing like a proper farm fresh laid-this-morning free range hen's egg. I get "free range" eggs in the supermarket here, but they don't come close. And ducks eggs. Oh mercy. A free range duck egg is like nothing else.
Most everything else I can get through import shops here (chocolate, biscuits, tea, porridge, etc.) or get the right ingredients imported and then make myself. I have a killer recipe for proper brown bread and I import the extra coarse flour to make it.
My tastes have been very very very BOLD (as in naughty, not exciting) since I got back. All that fast food I didn't eat for 10 years while only eating all those nice homegrown veggies and chickens? Uh, yeah. I made up for that. All those weird comfort foods? (For me, Cheetos and peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwiches and Peanut Butter Capn' Crunch)? Yeah. I ate so many I can't eat them anymore. So now that I've been back nearly 6 years, I am back to a lot of salads and the usual home-cooked staples. Though I'll still say *YES* any time anyone suggests Mexican food.
LG: Below is a numerological reading on your name. How accurate (or inaccurate) do you think this is in regards to you as a writer?
Your name value is two, which indicates someone who is empathetic, cooperative, considerate, and in some cases, co-dependence. Twos make good partners or diplomats
ASK: Uh HOLY FREAKING COW, Linda. That's ME. They don't call me the mediator for nothing--which is also what I try to do as a writer. And that sense of community is HUGE in me. Hmm. I wonder if anyone is looking for a diplomat...
LG: For fun, and because I was interested, here is also the reading for Vera Dietz:
Fourteen holds a strong element of risk attached to it, usually caused by the actions and foolhardiness of others.
Twenty-one can be a number of ad≠vancement, honors, and general success, but victory generally comes after long initiation and tests of determination.
Vera's name value is eight, which indicates someone with good judgment - although eights may have relationship issues because what they show on the outside doesn't always match what's inside. Eight is a eternal number that indicates divine balance.
ASK: Okay--this is INSANE. You have just described Vera Dietz. And her whole life and her whole situation. Risk through the actions and foolhardiness of others? Check. Victory after long initiation of tests and determination? Check. Good Judgment. Check. Mixed up inside and outside relationship issues? Uh Big fat CHECK.
I am thoroughly wowed. Like wow wow wow. I cannot WAIT to come back and read the numbers of some of my favorite authors! Thank you so much for having me to your blog and for reading our numbers, Linda! Best of luck with TRANCE and you TOTALLY rock.
Oh! I should really tell you something about Please Ignore Vera Dietz before I leave, shouldn't I? It's out TODAY! Chain placement early on can be spotty, so look at your local indies or call first! Online might work best. Here's the link to buy a signed copy and have it shipped to you!
is a Junior Library Guild selection for Fall 2010
18-year-old Vera's spent her whole life secretly in love with her best friend, Charlie. And over the years she's kept a lot of his secrets. Even after he betrayed her. Even after he ruined everything. So when Charlie dies in dark circumstances, Vera knows a lot more than anyone. Will she emerge and clear his name? Does she even want to?
"Brilliant. Funny. Really special." --Ellen Hopkins, author of NYT bestselling Crank, Glass and Tricks
Next Stop on the Pizza Delivery Blog Tour:-- Booking Mama October 15!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Party with Brenna Yovanoff

Brenna's a Tenner (a debut author this year) and yes... her novel THE REPLACEMENT is in the coveted PENGUIN FIVE box. She lives in Denver, Colorado, loves survival video games, and has a strange penchant for parentheses. Brenna is one third of the Merry Sisters of Fate along with Maggie Stiefvater and Tessa Gratton, whose flash fiction can be found at

Though he lives in the small town of Gentry, Mackie comes from a world of tunnels and black murky water, a world of living dead girls ruled by a little tattooed princess. He is a Replacement—left in the crib of a human baby sixteen years ago. Now, because of fatal allergies to iron, blood, and consecrated ground, Mackie is slowly dying in the human world.
Mackie would give anything to live among us, to practice on his bass or spend time with an oddly intriguing girl named Tate. But when Tate’s baby sister goes missing, Mackie is drawn irrevocably into the underworld of Gentry, known as Mayhem. He must face the dark creatures of the Slag Heaps and find his rightful place, in our world, or theirs.
Twenty is often called "the awakening" and can be interpreted as a call for action to some great purpose, cause or duty. Delays or obstacles to one's plans can be conquered through the development of the spiritual side of nature.
BY: Well, I used to be really flighty and easily distracted, but as I've gotten older, I've gotten a lot better at taking my time with projects and accepting the process as a series of steps. It's taken awhile, but I've also accepted that I have to put a lot of myself into my projects (and expect a lot from myself) if I want to wind up with something good at the end.
Forty-three can be an unfortunate number. It is symbolized by signs of revolution, hardship and prevention. People having a name in this number typically fight against the system. They express their ideas through writing. This number takes a positive turn, however, as it reduces to seven, which is your surname vibration. Seven is a number of introspection, ancient knowledge, and scientific and spiritual study. Forty three adds the additional vibration of being creative while paying careful attention to details.
BY: While I certainly wouldn't claim to be a revolutionary, I've always been best at expressing my ideas through writing, and I've always loved science and experimentation. However, I'm not a perfect scientist—I'm not organized enough. I don't tend to think in a linear way (on paper, it looks more like a web), but even though it's messy, I definitely associate that type of thinking with a creativity that's powered by details.
Your name vibration is nine, which is considered sacred by the Chaldeans. It contains the forces of all the other numbers and stands for a complete cycle of growth. Nines tend to be selfless, compassionate and tolerant. Many nines are blessed with artistic genius. Nines are independent and headstrong, and don’t like to leave things undone.
BY: This is an interesting one. I do try to be compassionate and tolerant ("try" being the operative word here), though I really don't think I'd call myself selfless. As I mentioned earlier, I'm scientific by nature, rather than nurturing. I'm a humanitarian, but bad with emotional situations. Also, I don't think most people who know me would call me headstrong, and all you'd have to do is look at the state of my sewing to know that I can't finish anything. In fact, if I'm honest, writing is about the only thing I ever follow through on!
Today's daily giveaway is IMPOSSIBLE by Nancy Werlin. (And, of course, your comments count as an entry for the grand prizes, where you could win a copy of THE REPLACEMENT in the Penguin Five box!)
Party with KC Dyer

Karen (KC) has been my crit partner and friend for... wow. Years now. She's a former teacher, and the author of the time-travel EAGLE GLEN TRILOGY, MS. ZEPHYR'S NOTEBOOK, and A WALK THROUGH A WINDOW. The sequel to that book, FACING FIRE, hit the shelves this month. Karen lives with her children and other animals just outside Vancouver, British Columbia.

Darby Christopher is back and ready for adventure in the hotly anticipated new novel FACING FIRE. This blazing sequel to A WALK THROUGH A WINDOW sees Darby back to her old tricks, time-slipping into worlds more terrifying and vivid than in her wildest imaginings. Against a background of anger and arson, Darby discovers the key to understanding the present may well lie in unlocking the hard-learned lessons of the past. FACING FIRE is published by Doubleday Canada, and is available on-line and in bookstores now. Find out more at
Karen's numbers:
Your compound value number is twelve, which is a higher octave of the number three. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion and is an indicator of great understanding and creative capacity. Twelve can also foreshadow one being sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others.
Your name number is eight. The number eight indicates someone with good judgment, but eights may have relationship issues because what they show on the outside doesn't always match what's inside. Eight is a eternal number that indicates divine balance.
And her response:
I love that my numbers reflect creativity and eternity -- both elements which interest me greatly in the process of writing books where the characters travel through time. Personally, I'm fascinated by the strength, beauty and rhythm of numbers and the universality of some elements really blows me away. Since writing SECRET OF LIGHT, I have been a huge fan of Fibonacci -- the reflection of some of his mathematical insights in nature is awe-inspiring.
Today's daily giveaway is IMPOSSIBLE by Nancy Werlin.
Winner and Party with Nancy Werlin
Please send your mailing instructions to gerb(@) lindagerber (.) com and we'll get that sent out to you.

Since then, she has worked as a technical writer and editor for several computer software and Internet companies, while also writing fiction. She is a National Book Award finalist and Edgar Award winner. She's the author of eight novels for Young Adults, including today's daily giveaway (and my personal favorite), IMPOSSIBLE, and the most recent release, EXTRAORDINARY.

What does it mean to be extraordinary? Phoebe finds herself drawn to Mallory, the strange and secretive new kid in school. Soon the two girls are as close as sisters . . . until Mallory’s magnetic older brother, Ryland, appears. Ryland has an immediate, exciting hold on Phoebe—but a dangerous hold, for she begins to question her feelings about her best friend and, worse, about herself.
Soon she’ll discover the shocking, fantastical truth about Ryland and Mallory, and about an age-old debt they expect Phoebe to pay. Will she be strong enough to resist? Will she be special enough to save herself?
In the vein of her previous novel Impossible, Extraordinary is a tale of friendship, romance, and the faerie realm.
Here are Nancy's numbers:Your compound number is ten, which is a number of honor, of faith and of self-confidence. Ten is a fortunate number that indicates that one’s plans are likely to be carried out – however, it is symbolized by the wheel of fortune, which can signal a rise and fall in success.
Your name number is one. The number one indicates someone who is creative, independent, original, individual. Ones are good self-starters and natural leaders. Ones show interest in the arts, such as singing, acting, writing, painting, and love to curl up with a good book.
And her response:
Fun and interesting, Linda. I think the numbers reading is scarily accurate!
Today's daily giveaway is a copy of Impossible.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Party with Jessica Brody

Jessica is the author of two books for adults, and the YA novel, The Karma Club. She runs the fabulous book giveaway sites, Free-Book Friday and Free Book Friday Teens (where TRANCE will be featured this week...) Jessica lives and writes in Los Angeles, California.
About the Karma Club:

When you mess with Karma, Karma messes back…
Madison Kasparkova always thought she understood how Karma works. Do good things and you'll be rewarded, do something bad and Karma will make sure you get what you deserve. But when Maddy’s boyfriend cheats on her, nothing bad comes his way. That’s why Maddy starts the Karma Club, to clean up the messes that the universe has left behind.
Sometimes, though, it isn’t wise to meddle with the universe. It turns out Karma often has plans of its own.
Jessica's numbers and her response:Fifteen is a fortunate number, especially as connected to the arts and sciences. Those who are influenced by this number often have the gift of gab, as well as gifts of art and music. They likely have a dramatic personality and strong personal magnetism, which makes others want to help them on their path.
Hmmm…at first, I completely disagreed with this but after thinking about it for a moment, I think there’s some truth to it. Obviously, my life is guided by the arts as I write books for a living but I tend to be a bit quieter, especially around new people, so the “gift of gab” is something I don’t think comes naturally to me. It’s something I have to put effort into. And I had to ask a few friends about the last part and they have replied that I do have “dramatic” tendencies (at times.) And of course, I responded “YOU’RE CRAZY! I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY????”
Sixteen is a warning to guard the defeat of one's plans. It should be carefully noted and plans made in advance to avert its fatalistic tendency. Sixteens should trust their intuition to avoid hardship.
Ooh! Thanks for the warning. I’m ALWAYS on guard for people or events that get in the way of my plans. I’m a TOTAL planner.
Seventeen is known as the Star of the Magi. It is a highly spiritual number and indicates that the person it represents will rise with superior spirit to the challenge of trials and difficulties early in life. Seventeen is also considered the number of immortality and indicates that the persons name will live after her.
I’ve been pretty fortunate in my life to have not had to deal with many difficulties but immortality is super cool. And I’ll take it! As long as I get a cool immortal boyfriend to go with it. Like Damen from Alyson Noël’s Immortals series or Edward Cullen.
Your name number vibration is six.
The number six indicates someone with an open heart. They are artistic and creative. Sixes enjoy making people comfortable and can be people magnets, receiving many favors from friends. Details are not their thing, and they must be careful not to give their power to others. Sixes make great healers, counselors, friends.
Some of this rings true but other parts ring very wrong. I do, indeed, have an open heart. I am a total people pleaser and work over time to make everyone around me happy and comfortable. Sometimes, to my own disadvantage or inconvenience. But I am ALL about the details. I’m very meticulous and a perfectionist. A total stickler for the details. In other words, when I go out of my way to make people comfortable, I am VERY thorough about it. I’m the person that remembers whether or not my house guests like cold or room temperature water and plan accordingly!
You can read more about Jessica and her books at's daily giveaway is a signed copy of DEADLY LITTLE LIES by Laurie Stolarz.
Party with Laurie Stolarz

Laurie is the author of several popular young adult novels, including the bestselling Blue is for Nightmares series, Project 17, Bleed, and the Touch series, Deadly Little Secret, Deadly Little Lies, and Deadly Little Games (coming your way in December.) She loves Indian food and dark chocolate (we could so hang out!) and once broke into a haunted mental institution. (True story - while she was researching for Project 17.) The paperback edition of Deadly Little Lies was just released (and is our freebie today.)

Last fall, sixteen-year-old Camelia fell for Ben, a new boy at school who had a very mysterious gift – psychometry, the ability to sense the future through touch. But just as Camelia and Ben's romance began to heat up, he abruptly left town. Brokenhearted, Camelia has spent the last few months studying everything she can about psychometry and experiencing strange brushes with premonition. Camelia wonders if Ben's abilities have somehow been transferred to her.
Ben returns to school, but he remains aloof, and Camelia can't get close enough to share her secret with him. Camelia makes the painful decision to let him go and move on. Adam, the hot new guy at Knead, seems good for her in ways Ben wasn't. But when Camelia and Adam start dating, a surprising love triangle results. A chilling sequence of events uncovers secrets from Ben’s past – and Adam's. Someone is lying, and it's up to Camelia to figure out who – before it's too late.
Laurie's numbers and response:
Hmmm... Well, I'd like to think of myself as not materialistic, but sometimes, I suppose, I can get carried away. I love fashion and clothing, which is a complete contrast to the way I was when I was younger. Growing up, we didn't have a lot of money, so I never paid much attention to what I was wearing. Maybe, subconsciously somehow, that's why I'm so interested in it now. I do have a hard time buying the stuff though. I have a secret obsession (not so secret anymore) of shopping online, putting stuff in my cart, and then dumping it all. If and when I do buy stuff, I often feel guilty, and then end up donating other things (perhaps the “being led in the right direction” part?).
I do think this one holds true. I consider myself very fair and very compassionate. I try to consider both sides of a given situation, looking at the different perspectives. I also love contributing to the community and feel very grateful for how fortunate I've been. It's important to me to give back.
Your name number vibration is nine. Interestingly, nine shows up in your reading three times (as the first and last name compound numbers are reduced, and again as the name number.) Nine must be very strong with you.
You can read more about Laurie and her books at
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of DEADLY LITTLE LIES.
Winner and Party with Elana Johnson
The winner of WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson is:
Amanda Ann
Congratulations! Please send your mailing info to gerb (@) lindagerber (.) and we'll get that sent out to you.

Vi knows the Rule: Girls don’t walk with boys, and they never even think about kissing them. But no one makes Vi want to break the Rules more than Zenn…and since the Thinkers have chosen him as Vi’s future match, how much trouble can one kiss cause? The Thinkers may have brainwashed the rest of the population, but Vi is determined to think for herself.
But the Thinkers are unusually persuasive, and they’re set on convincing Vi to become one of them….starting with brainwashed Zenn. Vi can’t leave Zenn in the Thinkers’ hands, but she’s wary of joining the rebellion, especially since that means teaming up with Jag. Jag is egotistical, charismatic, and dangerous: everything Zenn’s not. Vi can’t quite trust Jag and can’t quite resist him, but she also can’t give up on Zenn.
This is a game of control or be controlled. And Vi has no choice but to play.
Elana's numbers and her response:
Your compound value number is twelve, which is a higher octave of the number three. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion and is an indicator of great understanding and creative capacity. Twelve can also foreshadow one being sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others.
Oooh, interesting. Sacrificing for the plans or intrigues of others. I think all mothers do this, and I have two children who are constantly absorbing my time and attention. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I do like to complete most of what I start...
Your name number vibration is three, which indicates someone who is artistic, social, friendly, creative, sensitive, ambitious and intuitive.
I'm not sure about artistic. I can draw a circle if it can have lumps. And I'm killer at stick figures.
Today's daily giveaway is a signed copy of DEADLY LITTLE LIES by Laurie Stolarz
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Party with Suzanne Young

Suzanne's a brilliant scientist. Not really. But she is a former middle school teacher turned zookeeper (mother). When Suzanne’s not fending off zombie squirrels she can be found writing obsessively. Suzanne is the author of the upcoming A NEED SO BEAUTIFUL and THE NAUGHTY LIST series. Check out her books! They're kind of good.

As if being a purrfect cheerleader isn’t enough responsibility! Tessa Crimson’s the sweet and spunky leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), a cheer squad–turned–spy society dedicated to bringing dastardly boyfriends to justice, one cheater at a time. Boyfriend-busting wouldn’t be so bad . . . except that so far, every suspect on the Naughty List has been proven 100% guilty!
When Tessa’s own boyfriend shows up on the List, she turns her sleuthing skills on him. Is Aiden just as naughty as all the rest, or will Tessa’s sneaky ways end in catastrophe?
The Naughty List. Is your boyfriend on it?
Her numbers:
Your compound vibration numbers are thirty-two and twenty-two.
The influence of twenty-two can be a double-edged sword. People influenced by this number get along well with a variety of people. They can be inspirational and intuitive, practical, self-confident, visionary, idealistic and have good common sense. However, it's also a number of false judgment, owing to the influence of others. Twenty-two's must be practical and trust their own intuition or risk wasting their potential.
Thirty-two is usually a fortunate number if the person it represents holds to her own judgment and opinions; if not, she is likely to see her plans wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. Thirty-two’s are generally tolerant and non-judgmental and will likely have friends from all walks of life. They like to ponder new ideas and concepts.
Your name number vibration is nine.
The number nine is considered sacred by the Chaldeans. It contains the forces of all the other numbers and stands for a complete cycle of growth. Nines tend to be selfless, compassionate and tolerant. Many nines are blessed with artistic genius. Nines are independent and headstrong, and don’t like to leave things undone.
And her reaction:
I think this is pretty accurate!
I have lots of different types of friends and like to think that I'm not judgmental. I'm always writing new ideas, new stories, and hey, I really hope they're right about the artistic genius part. :-)
You can read more about Suzanne at
Today's daily giveaway is WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson
Party with Ally Condie

Ally's the author of MATCHED, which was selected as one of the coveted "Penguin Five" - one of the hottest new books in the fall lineup! (Reminder: a boxed set of the Penguin Five is one of the grand prizes to be given away on Thursday...) Ally is a former high school English teacher who lives with her husband and three sons outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. She loves reading, running, eating, and listening to her husband play guitar.
Society matched them, but love set them free.
Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So what Xander's face appears on screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate…until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.
The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.
Ally's numbers:Your compound number values are twenty-five and fifteen.
Fifteen is a fortunate number, especially as connected to the arts and sciences. Those who are influenced by this number often have the gift of gab, as well as gifts of art and music. They likely have a dramatic personality and strong personal magnetism, which makes others want to help them on their path.
Twenty-five is a number denoting strength gained through experience, and benefits obtained through observation of people and things. It is not deemed exactly "lucky", as its success is given through strife and trials in an earlier life. It is favorable when it appears in regard to the future.
The number four indicates someone who is practical, loyal, kind and fair. Fours value justice and hard work. The number four represents both emotional and physical strength, although fours seldom show their inside sensitivities to anyone, and at times their dreams are so grand, it seems as if they are unattainable.
And her reaction:Today's daily giveaway is WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson.
Winner and Party with Kate Coombs
Please send your mailing instructions to gerb (@) lindagerber (.) com and we'll get those sent out to you!

It's time to party with Kate Coombs!
Kate has been a friend and crit partner for years. I'm constantly in awe of her wit, imagination, and clever writing. Her books include THE SECRET KEEPER, RUNAWAY PRINCESS, and her latest, THE RUNAWAY DRAGON. She also keeps a fantastic blog called Book Aunt. Her poetry makes me smile. Kate lives and writes and is generally fabulous in L.A.

When Meg's dragon, Laddy, flies away from home, she knows she must go on a quest to find him. But she hasn't counted on her parents, the king and queen of Greeve, sending ten guardsmen along. Fortunately, she is also accompanied by her best friends: Dilly, a lady-in-waiting and a cool head in any crisis not involving heights; Cam, a gardener's assistant who knows the exact value of a brick shed filled with sausages; Nort, a skinny guardsman who has never given much thought to crows; and Lex, a young wizard with bad taste in horses, magic carpets, and sorceresses. Of course, Meg's quest goes topsy-turvy once she enters the enchanted forest—and her adventure is just beginning. What's more, meeting up with the dashing bandit Bain again isn't at all what she expected. Will this princess be able to rescue herself, let alone anybody else?
In The Runaway Princess, Meg and her friends defeated a pack of princes. Now they're going to need swordplay, magic, and a whole lot of courage to find Laddy and get back home!
Her numbers:
Your compound number values are twelve, twenty-six, and eleven.
Eleven is a master number. It is associated with wisdom, intellect and spirituality. Elevens are altruistic, sensitive, artistic, visionary, idealistic, have a sense of community. Eleven can also be a warning of hidden dangers, treachery from others, or a person who has a great deal to contend with.
Your name number vibration is two.
And her reaction:
Today's daily giveaway is WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson.