I'm not sure what I have. I think it's the flu. All I know is I feel wrung out and really, really bummed. (Whine, whine, wallow, wallow.)
For this week's freebie, I'm going to give away five signed copies. Here's five ways you can be entered to win one of them -
1. If you were at the Author Carnival in New York yesterday, tell me about it!
2. If you are attending BEA, tell me about it!
3. If you know of a good flu remedy, please tell me about it!
4. If you just really want a copy, tell me about it!
5. If you have already have a copy, you can nominate one of your friends to win!
I will draw the winners on Tuesday, June 2.
P.S. If you are a book blogger and would like to give away some copies of DEATH BY DENIM, please send me a note at gerb (@) lindagerber (.) com and I'll hook you up (as long as supplies last.)
P.P.S. To my regular readers and previous winners... you may notice that I am a little behind getting the prizes sent out. (I need an assistant!) As of tomorrow's post office run, though, I should be all caught up. If you have won something and haven't received it by next week, please let me know and we'll double check the list!