Okay, I'm still reeling from last night's LOST episode. We gotta wait until the new season to start unraveling all the questions it brought up. Gaaaah! Good thing I have a huge pile of summer reading waiting for me or I'd go crazy.
For today's giveaway, I'm offering a copy of Wendy Toliver's SECRET LIFE OF A TEENAGE SIREN (I had one copy and then lovely Wendy gave me a signed one after our fabulous sushi lunch in Ogden when I was visiting Utah.)
To be entered for the random drawing for this book, tell me how you think Locke ended up in that casket and why they were calling him Jeremy Benthem. Or if you think Jin jumped off the ship before it blew up. Or where the heck the polar bears or black smoke come in to all this. Or any of the other mysteries of LOST.
If you are not a LOST watcher (gasp!), just leave a post about your favorite (G-rated) obsession.
Happy Friday, everyone!!!