Meanwhile, it was hard knowing who was even in the top 3 since I really can't verify things like private tweets and emails, so what I did was enter everyone who posted more than three places (or sent to more than 50 people) and drew names for the top spots, and then drew from those for the gift certificate. And the winners are...
Katie - ARC and gift certificate
Grace L - ARC
Kristy - ARC
You know the drill - please email me at gerb at lindagerber dot com and I'll send these off to you!
Everyone else, THANK YOU for posting all over. I'm adding an extra entry each for you next week for the launch party prize package drawing for your show of support.
Please come back Friday for our last DEATH BY LATTE ARC freebie. We'll be doing something a little different this week... it should be fun. : ) AND I'll be giving the lowdown on all the great authors and prizes coming up next week for the cyber launch. You might even get a chance for more bonus entries... Don't miss it!